Ghost Hunting in Winter

Winter is a time of reflection, introspection and speculation. The coming Spring, although it feels an eternity away at this time, is a time of regrowth. This cycle of rebirth and reinvention doesn’t just apply to nature beginning the cyclical regrowth after a cold winter, it also encompasses our re-emergence into the world after semi-hibernation during the cold CNY winters.
Paranormal Investigators are no different than the rest of society. During winter, our cases dry up as even the ghosts appear to deem the weather too nasty. Any cases that we do schedule are at the whim of the weather, sometimes having to be cancelled at the last minute due to snowstorms. Some investigators use this down time for self-reflection. We look on the past year, examine our victories, and our low points, and use those experiences to shape the upcoming year. We analyze what worked for us, and what didn't, and use that knowledge to make us a better team.
The Shadow Chasers are no exception. Over our winter hiatus, we looked back on the last year. We've been able to accomplish a lot of amazing things this year, things that wouldn't be possible without the support and assistance of our community. Yet, we found ourselves wanting to be able to do more for the people who support us.
There is always a demand to join us on investigations, and we wanted a way to allow those unable to join us to feel like they were there, investigating alongside us. To that end we are happy to announce that Chasing Shadows 101 will be returning in the Spring at herkimer County Community College for a 4th year running. Look for the announcement date to be sometime around April.
Through the Chasing Shadows classes we have had many students over the 4 years and with such positive feedback it has led to the Chasing Shadows 201 level course as well. The community eduation in regards to this field has been one of our proudest moments in the 16 years of opperation and we are happy to say a good number of students have also joined the team. (Let's face it, after 32 hours together in class you're already part of the team)
Last year our first Chasing Shadows 201 class took center stage and helped us investigate Hotel Utica alongside Kris Williams and Chris DiCesare from Syfy Channel and this fall's Chasing Shadows 201 class helped investigate 3 notoriously haunted locations alongside the Gettysburg Ghost Gals and psychic Carmen Reed and helped raise funds for Herkimer Historical Society. We don't know what 2017 will bring but we are looking forward to meeting some new faces and taking them on some adventures with our ever steadfast team.