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about 8 years ago
The Shadow Chasers conducted an investigation of the historic 1834 Herkimer Jail. The investigation included members of the Chasing Shadows 201 class from Herkimer County Community College. The team conducted a full site analysis with a variety of technology.   FULL INVESTIGATION REPORT
Shadow Chasers
via Cases
about 9 years ago
During the early 1900s, one of the defining events in American history was the Great Depression. Triggered by an extreme drop in the stock market after the relative prosperity of the turn of the century, the Great Depression affected the entire United States. Families lost their businesses, their homes, their farms. Occurring at the same [...]
Phil Nye
about 9 years ago
Steeped in history and legends, New York is filled with stories of the forgotten, eerie and the weird that influence us everyday. Lite 98.7′s Eric Meier has teamed up with Folklorist P.W. Creighton to explore the haunts and legends of New York. Through their travels into the dark and often overlooked spaces they will bring [...]
Phil Nye


about 10 years ago
The Shadow Chasers test and review the Transformer 2.0 Dual Dash Cam for ghost hunting. A pocket-sized dash camera DVR with two independent cameras and a split screen micro LCD screen for playback/review. Actual Size 
Shadow Chasers
about 10 years ago
This advanced system is easy to set up and comes with a portable 4.3-inch touchscreen color monitor and two weatherproof cameras. The system is expandable and will support two additional cameras all can record up to four cameras simultaneously to the included 4 GB SD card. The Uniden Guardian G455 System makes setting up for paranormal research quite easy however, there are a few downfalls to the system.
Shadow Chasers

In the Field

 Available Now...


Investigating Remsen With Deep South Paranormal [VIDEO, PHOTOS]

Bama Boys From Syfy Channel's Deep South Paranormal 

The Bama Boys from Syfy Channel's Deep South Paranormal came up to Utica to show everyone how they ..."Do it Southern Style."

Just in time for Halloween, the Bama Boys Johnathan Hodges and Benny Reed boarded the Haunted Rails Ghost Train bound for Remsen to lead investigations of Capel Cerrig and the Hoovertown Fields of the Remsen Depot.

Party Goers Ready For The Haunted Rails Ghost Train 

The night began with the Bama Boys meeting and talking with attendees at Union Station before boarding the train.

The Train

The Adirondack Scenic Railroad decorated the trains for the occasion and with Halloween music blasting and many in costume, it helped set the mood for the excursion.

Once the train was underway, Jonathan Hodges and Benny Reed, the Bama Boys shared a few thoughts on ghost hunting. When asked what they thought of someone who was interested in ghost hunting for the first time, their response was quite startling.

"Eat your vitamins, stay in school. Don't be a ghost hunter. It's no fun. You poop in your pants and spend lots of money on underwear and you can't get 'em clothes dried 99% of the time. Don't Do it." ...Jonathan Hodges

After a few more jokes our Bama Boys talked about what an actual investigator needs and the best way to approach investigating in general.


Investigators On Their Way To Capel Cerrig


Ghost hunters from the Haunted Rails had the opportunity to investigate two historic haunted sites in Remsen, Capel Cerrig also known as the Remsen Stone Meeting House and The Remsen Depot, the Hoovertown Fields.

Throughout the night as Benny Reed and Jonathan Hodges led investigations of the sites many experienced the paranormal phenomena and haunted history of the sites first-hand. Ghostly footsteps were heard on the balcony while Benny led an EVP session at Capel Cerrig while those outside witnesses fleeting shadows. Those exploring the Depot witnessed large spikes in energy before a loud bang was heard on an outbuilding.

As the night wound down the Bama Boys walked the train thanking particpants for coming and checking in to see how everyone liked it ... "southern style..." 

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